作品 | 写作时间 | 最早的副本 | 时间跨度 | 副本数量 |
新约 | A.D. 40-100 | A.D. 125 | 25 年 | 24,000 |
荷马(伊利亚特) | 900 B.C. | 400 B.C | 500 年 | 643 |
索福克勒斯 | 496-406 B.C | A.D. 1000 | 1,400 年 | 193 |
亚里士多德 | 384-322 B.C. | A.D. 1100 | 1,400 年 | 49 |
凯撒(高卢战争) | 58-50 B.C. | A.D. 900 | 1000 年 | 10 |
Scientific Evidence
Other Religions
1. Of course this doesn’t mean that all translations are equal! Some are clearly better than others and convey wording closer to the original language. Most scholars I respect recommend the King James over all other versions – it is the standard that all modern translations are compared to. But please don’t confuse this with those who claim the KJV is the only inspired version. Bob Enyart utterly destroys that argument here. 2. Gleason Archer, Jr., A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, 1974, pg 25. 3. A software checksum is typically the sum of bytes or words over the entire software program. In my 17 plus years as an engineer, I have never seen a software program that becomes corrupted yield a valid checksum which causes the corruption to go unnoticed. If a Bible manuscript copy had become corrupted but still yielded the proper word and letter count, it is highly likely that the corruption would still have been detected since the corrupted letter or word would make that portion of the text unreadable. A software program doesn’t have this added safeguard protection since the software is not readable text to the naked eye. 4. Table extracted from Josh McDowell, A Ready Defense, 1993, pg 45. 5. Norman Geisler and William Nix, A General Introduction to the Bible, 1986, pg 367. 6. F.F Bruce, The Books and the Parchments, 1963, pg 178.
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