Though the Bible is not a science book, when it touches on scientific matters it is either completely accurate or non-contradictory, and often demonstrates remarkable fore-knowledge. There are many scientific facts mentioned in the Bible that were not understood by man until centuries after the Bible was written. Following are examples of the overwhelming scientific evidence for the Bible.
Dinosaurs in the Bible
The word dinosaur was introduced to the English dictionary in 1842 by Richard Owen. So you won’t find the word dinosaur in the Bible any more than you will find the word email or internet. However, many people are unaware that the Bible describes several types of dinosaurs. For example, in Job 40:15-19 “Look now at the behemoth… his strength is in his hips, And his power is in his stomach muscles. He moves his tail like a cedar… His bones are like beams of bronze, His ribs like bars of iron.” An Apatosaurus, perhaps? Isaiah 30:6 mentions a “fiery flying serpent”. Pterodactyl? Or the famous “reptile in the sea”, Leviathan, mentioned in Job 41 and Isaiah 27:1. A mosasaur?
One of the most astounding recent developments in science was the discovery of not only unfossilized dinosaur bones, but even intact dinosaur DNA! 1 The atheist website RationalWiki made the following prediction: “If fossils of the dinosaurs were less than 6,000 years old, detectable fragments of DNA should be present in a sizable percent of dinosaur fossils.” Someone needs to fill them in on the report from the secular journal Bone: “These data are the first to support preservation of multiple proteins and to present multiple lines of evidence for material consistent with DNA in dinosaurs.” 2 There has long been evidence of dinosaurs and man living alongside each other. The discovery of dinosaur protein and DNA serves as the final nail in the coffin to the now religious belief that dinosaurs are millions of years old.
Age of the Earth and Universe
For quite some time the secular media, in concert with the schools and universities, has successfully sold to the public that the earth and universe are billions of years old. Yet many have never heard about the overwhelming contradictory evidence. If secular scientists and schools are so confident in their position, why do they oppose counter-evidence from being presented? It would allow people to make an informed decision on what is true and what isn’t, and they know the evidence is heavily stacked against them. What is ultimately at stake is the accuracy of the first book of the Bible, Genesis. If the opening chapters of the Bible are myth, why believe the rest of the Bible such as Christ’s resurrection?
Its virtually indisputable that the text in Genesis 1 and the genealogies in the Bible portray a 6 to 10 thousand year old earth and universe. But because many Christians assume the “established” long ages are true, they’ve compromised the text in Genesis by claiming it allows for millions of years. Yet unbiased experts in Hebrew language, who have no stake in the debate, insist that Genesis is written as a literal historical account and not as allegory or poetry 3.
So which is true, the historical account recorded in Genesis, or the position of secular scientists and professors? What these scientists, our schools, and the media fail to mention is that over 95% of chronometers that can be used to estimate the age of the earth and universe contradict long ages. On our weekly radio show, Real Science Radio, we have documented this in our extensive List of Not So Old Things. This includes chronometers such as the Mitochondrial clock that dated Eve to 6000 years ago (details later below). The comprehensive Helium in Zircon multi-year experiment also dated the earth to roughly 6000 years. Then there is the fact that radiocarbon (C14) is found everywhere it is not supposed to be, including in diamonds (the hardest substance known and hence unlikely to get contaminated). This is significant since C14 has a relatively short shelf life (its half-life is 5730 years) and shouldn’t be found in anything older than 50,000 years. If diamonds are 1-3 billion years old as claimed, why do we detect 10 times more C14 than expected? 4
The Big Bang Myth
The evidence against the secular big bang is also overwhelming. For one, the entire universe is missing anti-matter, which by itself falsifies the big bang hypothesis. Then there’s the problem that scientists ultimately coined “The Axis of Evil” – ‘evil’ because of the ramifications to their secular, atheistic worldview. It turns out that patterns in the background radiation align along an axis spanning the universe that goes straight through the earth’s elliptical plane! What this proves is that our planet is indeed in the center of the universe. It too renders the big bang and its cosmological principle moot. As atheist physicist Lawrence Krauss lamented, “There’s no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun — the ecliptic. That would say we are truly the center of the universe.” 5 For a long list of the evidence that refutes the big bang, visit Real Science Radio’s Evidence Against the Big Bang, which is also available on a well-produced downloadable video.
The Earth’s Shape
Many skeptics claim that the Bible portrays the earth as flat. This couldn’t be farther from the truth and in my opinion is one of the most vaporous arguments used against the Bible. There is not a single passage that plainly states that the earth is flat 6. The groundswell of this criticism gets its roots from the inaccurate but common belief among many that the ancients on up through the middle ages believed that the earth was flat. The truth is, virtually all learned people have known for the last 2500 years that the earth is spherical 7.
Before the learned ancients surmised that the earth was spherical, the divinely inspired Isaiah wrote “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth…(Isaiah 40:22)”. In addition, from the Book of Job we have “He stretches out the north over empty space; he hangs the earth on nothing (Job 26:7)”. It should be noted that just last century scientists believed space consisted of a hypothetical substance called Ether (not the chemical), which was the medium between the celestial bodies. Also, the pagans of that time believed in such things as a mythical Atlas character who supported the pillars that held heaven and earth apart, and later carried the earth around on his shoulders. Another interesting tidbit that illuminates the divine nature of Job 26:7 is the recent discovery of a huge hole in space in the direction of the northern hemisphere 8.
First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
The 1st Law of Thermodynamics states that matter can be neither created nor destroyed, and that the amount of matter in the universe remains constant. If the First Law is correct, which every scientific measurement ever made has confirmed, then the universe could not have created itself, it must have been created in the past, no further creating must be going on, and no loss of creation is occurring. The Bible is the only religious book that correctly portrays the First Law by 1) its description in Genesis of a Creator who is no longer creating, and 2) a Creator who is “upholding all things by the word of his power (Heb 1:3)” .
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, which states that all systems degenerate from order to disorder, was regarded by Albert Einstein to be the premier Law in science. Again the Bible is the only religious book to accurately describe this Law: “For the heavens will vanish away like smoke, the earth will grow old like a garment… (Isa 51:6)”, and also a New Testament rendering: “You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. They will perish, but You remain; and they will all grow old like a garment; (Heb 1:10-11)”
The Hydrologic Cycle
The circulation and conservation of earth’s water is called the hydrologic cycle, which is accurately portrayed in several passages of the Bible, including the following: “For He draws up drops of water, which distill as rain from the mist, which the clouds drop down and pour abundantly on man. (Job 36:27-28)” .Centuries after the Book of Job was written, Aristotle demonstrated only a vague understanding of this process. Though he recognized that rain came from clouds, he incorrectly postulated that air turned into water and vice versa.
It has only recently been learned that most clouds are formed by ocean evaporation, but again the Bible had it right centuries ago: “All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; to the place from which the rivers come, there they return again (Eccl 1:7)”. The complex nature of how water is supported in clouds despite being heavier than air is clearly implied when God declared to Job “Do you know how the clouds are balanced, those wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge (Job 37:16).
The value of Pi
In the verse of the Bible that contains a circumference and diameter (1 Kings 7:23), the Hebrew word for circumference contains an extra character at the end that can only add value to the word by applying Gematria (each Hebrew letter also represents a number). When taking the ratio of the added character to the value of the original word, the value of Pi is achieved to within 4 decimal places! A more in-depth article by Chuck Missler can be found here.
Ocean Currents
Scientists have only recently discovered springs of water in the depths of the oceans 9. Perhaps this is what the Bible is referring to in the following: “Have you entered the springs of the sea? Or have you walked in search of the depths? (Job 38:16)”.
Man from Dust
Researchers at NASA’s Ames Research Center confirmed that every element in man can be found in the soil, prompting one of the scientists to say “…the biblical scenario for the creation of life turns out to be not far off the mark” 10.
Gravitational Properties of Constellations
God asked Job “Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades, Or loose the belt of Orion?”(Job 38:31). In the last century astrophysicists have discovered that the stars of Pleiades move in unison with each other, and are thus gravitationally bound. They have also discovered that the stars in the belt of Orion are free agents that are not gravitationally bound! 11 Interestingly, the three stars that comprise Orion’s belt appear to be closer together than the outer stars in the constellation, but are actually farther apart! (they appear closer together because of the 2-D plane we see them in).
Vast number of stars in the Universe
God said to Abraham ‘Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.’ And He said to him, ‘So shall your descendants be.'(Gen 15:5)”. And through the prophet Jeremiah,‘As the host of heaven (stars) cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea measured, so will I multiply the descendants of David My servant (Jeremiah 33:22). And finally, in the New Testament“Therefore from one man, …were born as many as the stars of the sky in multitude– innumerable as the sand which is by the
seashore. (Hebrews 11:12)”
Before the invention of the telescope in 1608, scientists throughout history, including the famous astronomer Ptolemy (150 AD), taught that the total number of stars in the heavens was under 3000. On a clear night the naked eye can only count about 1000 stars. However, because of telescopes such as the Hubble, we now know there are countless billions upon billions of stars in the universe – just as God had revealed to us several thousand years ago through the Bible.
Precise dimensions of Noah’s Ark
The dimensions of Noah’s Ark as described in the Bible are ideal for stability. In fact, South Korean architects who examined the dimensions found that the boat was virtually impossible to capsize! Their modeling and analysis found that the ark could survive waves higher than 30 meters! (note that a typical tsunami is only 10 meters high) 12. Many other cultures have flood legends similar to the account in the Bible, but their ark descriptions were never palatable. For example, the Babylonian Gilgamesh Flood legend described an ark that was shaped like a cube, which would be disastrous for stability. 13
Global Flood
You covered it with the deep as with a garment;
The waters stood above the mountains. – Psalm 104:6
Sea life appears on every mountain range across the globe. You can find sea shells in the gravel at Home Depot. Many road cuts across the country have sea shells. Moreover, the shells are invariably in the closed position. When you pick sea shells off the beach, and its in the closed position, it’s still alive. That’s why things start to smell in your hotel room after you put them in the sink to wash them off. After a clam dies, its shell opens. What this tells us is that all this sea life buried around the globe was buried alive, and hence rapidly.
The best explanation for sea shells buried rapidly on mountain tops is a swift ascent of the mountains during the global flood. By far the best theory for this from both a biblical and scientific standpoint is the Hydroplate Theory. 14
There is strong evidence from genetics that shows all humans trace back to the genetic “bottleneck” that occurred as the result of Noah’s flood. The Y chromosome is only found in males, passed down from father to son. Evidence from the secular scientific community confirms that all males trace back to a genetic bottleneck in history that the secularists refer to as ‘Y chromosomal Adam’. 15 Secular scientists also confirm there is little variation worldwide 16, which fits the fact that there would have been only one Y chromosome on the ark (Noah and his sons) that would likely have little mutation in a pre-flood era where life spans could exceed 900 years. In addition, secular scientists also unwittingly have confirmed the number of women on the ark by finding three main X chromosomal lineages (L, M, N) and some curious sub-leneages with extreme diversity limited to Africa. Why does this fit the Bible? The X chromosome is only passed down from mother to daughter. On the ark, there were FOUR women, Noah’s wife, and three daughters. We would therefore expect 3 lineages of X chromosomes from the daughters, and possibly a 4th lineage if Noah’s wife had an additional child, which appears to be the case. See the interesting and compelling case put forth in the article Why Was Canaan Cursed. 17 Finally, a report in the journal Science put the age of Mitochonrdal Eve at 6000 years! 18
Invisible Attributes
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made – Romans 1:20
In the above Romans passage, Paul appeals to creation as evidence for the God of the Bible. The evidence from creation is so overwhelming from every scientific discipline that it would take volumes to cover. Paul finishes Romans 1:20 by unequivocally stating that skeptics are “without excuse”.
Even though most readers of this page have never met or seen me, they know this page did not originate from some naturalistic process. They know the computer they are using is the result of design, without having ever seen its or witnessed its creation. Consider that the the building block of life, DNA, is itself a programming language. When atheist Francis Crick discovered DNA, he knew it meant disaster to a naturalistic origin of life (evolution) worldview. But instead of admitting to a Creator, he posited that aliens seeded life on the planet. 19 Discoveries of the past decade have made the problem even worse for atheists and skeptics such as Crick, if that was even possible. A recent study from the Journal Science 20 has revealed that DNA is also read in the reverse to specify how a gene is regulated. This would be equivalent to reading this page backwards and getting a completely different and coherent story. As a programmer myself, I can assure you there is not a computer in the world that can read machine code in an opposite direction that results in an entirely different and comprehensive program. The complexity is staggering!
A favorite example of mine from nature is how the Octopus can so easily and quickly change size, color, and texture to match its surroundings. Anyone who thinks the following is the result of natural processes is indeed “without excuse”.
“When the Bible touches on scientific subjects, it is entirely accurate.” Dr. Donald DeYoung, Ph.D. (Physics)
Medical Evidence
Textual Evidence
1. Schweitzer’s Dangerous Discovery, Discover Magazine, April 2006.
2. Molecular analyses of dinosaur osteocytes support the presence of endogenous molecules, The Journal Bone, January 2013 Volume 52, Issue 1, Pages 414–423.
3. The late Oxford Hebrew scholar Professor James Barr stated the following: “Probably, so far as I know, there is no professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at any world-class university who does not believe that the writer(s) of Genesis 1–11 intended to convey to their readers the ideas that: (a) creation took place in a series of six days which were the same as the days of 24 hours we now experience. (b) the figures contained in the Genesis genealogies provided by simple addition a chronology from the beginning of the world up to later stages in the biblical story (c) Noah’s flood was understood to be world-wide and extinguish all human and animal life except for those in the ark. Or, to put it negatively, the apologetic arguments which suppose the “days” of creation to be long eras of time, the figures of years not to be chronological, and the flood to be a merely local Mesopotamian flood, are not taken seriously by any such professors, as far as I know.” – From a letter to David C.C. Watson, 23 April 1984. Barr did not believe in Genesis but knew that the Hebrew was clear that Genesis was written as an historical account.
4. “Diamonds: a creationist’s best friend: Radiocarbon in diamonds: enemy of billions of years” – J Sarfati (link)
6. Critics will commonly point to several passages that refer to “the four corners of the earth”, such as in Isaiah 11:12, but often fail to grasp that this is a colloquialism that is still used today to portray the four compass extremities of the earth. Indeed, the Strongs Greek/Hebrew dictionary defines the word “corner” (gonia) as angle, or quadrant.
7. It is important to note that an incredibly dubious bit of revisionist history occurred in the 1800s that resulted in many people today, including Christians, falling into the belief that the ancients and early church fathers adhered to a flat earth. This was an unfortunately effective lie perpetrated by several unscrupulous men in the battle of humanism over the Bible. This isn’t an indictment of modern critics, as I too was taught that for centuries people believed the earth was flat, recalling stories such as those poor ship’s crewmen who were worried about sailing over the corner of the earth. The dishonest nature of this revisionism is slowly being dispelled. For more information I recommend Jeffrey Burton Russell’s book Inventing the Flat Earth: Columbus & Modern Historians. Dr. Danny R Faulkner also has a fine article regarding this subject in Creation Matters, Vol 2, Number 6.
8. Astronomers find gaping hole in the Universe August 23, 2007. Also, Mitchell Waldrop, Delving the Hole in Space, Science Magazine, Nov. 27, 1981.
10. Readers Digest, November 1982
12. Hong, S.W. et al., Safety investigation of Noah’s Ark in a seaway, TJ 8(1):26–36, 1994. All the co-authors are on the staff of the Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering
13. Noah’s Flood and the Gilgamesh Epic, Jonathan Sarfati, AiG 29 March 2004
14. In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood, by Dr. Walt Brown. Fountains of the Great Deep.
15. Y-Chromosmal Adam, Wikipedia. Note the secular dates are built on assumptions, even so the margin of error accommodates a date of 4000 to 6000 years.
16. Jobling, M.A., Tyler-Smith, C., The human Y chromosome: an evolutionary marker comes of age, Nature Reviews 4:598–612, 2003.
17. Pastor Bob Enyart, co-host of Real Science Radio,
18. Calibrating the Mitochondrial Clock, Science 2 January 1998: Vol. 279 no. 5347 pp. 28-29. Secular scientists have since “solved” this dilemma by mixing human and chimp DNA to get a data older than the Biblical timeframe.
20. Scientists discover double meaning in genetic code, Dec 2013
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