The title of this blog is less hyperbole than you might think. The rock is actually an earth rock that was found on the moon. It turns out this rock confirms a specific truth found in the Bible! Now this website already lays out a powerful case from scientific, historical, archaeological, and textual evidences that the Bible is the true and that Jesus is who He claims to be. But a certain rock found on the moon adds yet another feather to the Bible’s cap. How so?
Earth Rock found on Moon
In 2019, NASA released a report that their scientists had found an earth rock among the samples that Alan Shepard brought back from his Apollo 14 mission. NASA’s spin is of course to assume the rock is billions of years old since this is the paradigm of atheistic secular science. Put aside for a moment the overwhelming evidence for a young earth and the secular myth taught to billions in the schools and promoted in the museums that the earth is billions of years old. How does NASA explain the enormous unlikelihood that an earth rock escaped earth’s gravitational field and somehow found its way to the moon to be fortuitously picked up by an astronaut?
“Sometime after the rock formed, Kring says, an asteroid impact blasted it from Earth. It found its way to the moon, which was three times closer to Earth than it is today.”[1]
This likely comes from the hypothesis of Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB) that was formulated based on the highly questionable dating of moon rocks from the various Apollo missions. There is very little evidence of earth impacts, which is blamed on millions of years of plate tectonics conveniently hiding the evidence. In other words, brash story-telling and enormous assumptions are used to fit the earth rock on the moon within the secular world view. Story-telling is essentially a requirement when dealing with something that allegedly happened billions of years ago. As David Nesvorný, a planetary scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, quipped, “Sherlock Holmes was good at resolving mysteries that happened last year… This all happened 4 billion years ago.”[2]
Because such ancient claims are so shallow, its always easy to find secular scientists with a grain of intellectual honesty to call out the story-telling nonsense. In an article from Nature magazine titled “Bashing holes in the tale of Earth’s troubled youth”, geochemist Mark Harrison of the University of California, Los Angeles referred to the methodology used to promote LHB as “quackery”.[2]
In an attempt to help their story, NASA appeals to the moon being 3 times closer in the past. Now there is a grain of truth to this, since the moon is every so slightly (about 4cm a year) receding from the earth today due to gravitational forces. But NASA won’t tell you about the “lunar crisis” of extrapolating the recession back in time, since it would limit the earth/moon system to 1.2 billion years max [3]. But even if the moon were 3 times closer, enormous physics are still required to launch an earth rock to the moon such that it can achieve escape velocity from earth’s much stronger gravitational pull. It would need to be one enormous impact on the earth to cause this to happen.
The Bible Tells Us How
A much more plausible and scientifically sound explanation for an earth rock on the moon can be found by a story in the Bible! Its an account that can reasonably rely on known physical processes. It does not need to appeal to miracles or the secular once-upon-a-time story telling of a closer moon and enormous earth impacts whose evidence has been auspiciously destroyed by another fictional character in the grand fable known as plate tectonics.
Fountains of the Great Deep
The Bible documents a major geophysical event in Genesis chapter 7 that occurred roughly five thousand years ago. This event is referred to as the bursting forth of the fountains of the great deep (Gen 7:11). There are numerous passages in the Bible that plainly refer to subterranean water (Gen 1:2-7, Psalm 136:6, 2 Peter 3:5, Ps. 33:6-7, Prov. 8:27-28, Rev. 14:7, Job 38:8, etc). Of particular note is Job 38:8 that reads “who shut in the sea with doors, when it burst forth and issued from the womb?”. Could such a geophysical event provide enough energy to propel rocks into space, some of which would hit the moon?
Dr. Walt Brown proposed decades ago a theory referred to as the Hydroplate Theory (HPT). Among its claims is that the “fountains of the great deep” was not only the source for the global flood, but also explains all the small solar system bodies (SSSBs) such as comets and asteroids, and quite likely trans-Neptunian objects. Dr. Brown is no slouch in the scientific community, having served as the chief scientist who oversaw 40 other scientists in arguably the US government’s top military lab, Benet Laboratories. Dr. Brown received his PhD from MIT in the heat transfer division.
Dr. Brown has shown using known physical properties that such a cataclysmic event could provide the energy necessary to send earth material into space [4]. The hard currency of science are predictions, and since he first proposed his theory decades ago, many HPT predictions have proven true. [5] There is also overwhelming evidences and ‘postdictions’ to his theory. For example, despite the subterfuge of the secular world, there is enormous evidence for a global flood [6].
NASA Scientists Work For Creationists
On our Real Science Radio show, we often quip that “all scientists work for Walt Brown”. The discovery of an earth rock on the moon is just the latest in an ever-growing long list of examples of evidence that Dr. Brown long ago predicted [5, 7]. Consider the following from one of the NASA scientists. Before reading it, note that Dr Brown also long ago postulated the depth of the subterranean water to be around 10 miles (he later adjusted this to approximately 60 miles). You just can’t make this stuff up:
“The results, Kring says, indicate that the rock formed in a water-rich environment at temperatures and pressures corresponding to either 19 kilometers beneath the surface of Earth” [1]
Furthermore, unless you think Alan Shepard won the “earth rock on the moon” lottery, his discovery demands that there are far more earth rocks on the moon, all of which originated from the subterranean chambers of the fountains of the great deep.
Now if you are thinking that Shepard may have accidentally mixed an earth rock among his moon samples, or perhaps when he landed back on earth a pebble in his shoe broke free and somehow made its way to the moon rock pile, think again. The earth rock NASA uncovered was embedded on the surface of a much larger moon rock. Aside from conspiracy musings that some amazing trick achieved this, such an embedment further bolsters the fact that this is not due to contamination or a mistake in the lab.
God Created the Heavens and the Earth
The first passage of the Bible in Genesis 1:1 has always been backed by solid evidence. Paul in Romans 1 reminds us of the obvious, that the creation itself is powerful evidence for the Creator, that this truth is “clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (Romans 1:20). Everyone knows that “every house is built by someone” but many choose to ignore that “He who built all things is God.” (Hebrews 3:4). Those who ignore the obvious try to paint faith as blind, yet the Bible describes the Christian faith as “the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Ironically, its the atheists own definition of faith as blind that becomes self-imposed from their devotion to fables from billions of years ago.
For those who do not know God, please consider our Christianity 101 page. Choosing Jesus is an easy thing to do! Your very eternal life depends on this.
[1] Ancient Earth rock found on the moon – Jan 2019,
[2] Bashing holes in the tale of Earth’s troubled youth – Jan 2018,
[3] How Long Would It Take the Moon to Recede from Earth to Its Present Position? –
[4] For a larger overview see Hydroplate Overview.
[5] See
[7] Note that the far side of the moon is pummeled far more than the near side. Bryan Nickel’s fantastic animation helps explain this.